Meet our Doctors:
Dr. Henry Ngai
Dr. Anita Cheung
Dr. Sandy Hu
Dr. Henry Ngai established this family practice in 1991 and is an associate medical staff at the Richmond General Hospital. He specializes in men's health, anti-aging medicine, hypertension, diabetic issues as well as general dermatology.
In 2001, Dr. Ngai started Reviva Medical Laser & Vein Clinic and was the first physician in Richmond to introduce an IPL™ device. Since then, he has continued to incorporate and educate himself on the most advanced skincare technologies, providing the best care possible for his patients. Along with his Graduate Diploma in Dermatology, he has been a member of the College of America Phlebology and a Physician examiner for the Medical Council of Canada. He has also held fellowships from the Society of Laser of Medicine and Surgery and in Family Medicine.
Dr. Ngai received his medical degree from the University of British Columbia and his residency training from Dalhousie University in Halifax. Dr. Ngai had further post-residency training in Hong Kong, Central America, China, United States, South Korea, and Thailand. He earned his diploma in Dermatology from the National University of Singapore in 2002.
倪醫生於 1987 年 UBC 大學取得專業醫生資格後,在加拿大哈利法斯 /、澳洲/、香港和中國北京等地接受內科醫學和婦產科的專業訓練。其後,他在新加坡取得皮膚科文憑;更於 2004 年取得家庭醫生學院 院士。倪醫生曾在美國/、 加拿大/、 中美洲及亞洲不同地方受訓。
倪醫生是 American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery 院士。他是激光治療專家,成功完成了過千宗的激光治療。他是加拿大和美國靜脉學學會會員曾在加拿大 CBC 電台及加拿大中文電台被專題報導;並於皮膚護理產品製造商研討會中主講。
自 2001 年初起, 倪醫生成立 Reviva Medical Laser and Vein Clinic 以來,對於治療面部色素,粉刺,紋身去除以及使皮膚重返青春的治療, 有著無数成功例子。知名度也均被廣泛認識和認同。
Dr. Cheung is a fellow of the College of Family Physicians of Canada. She did her residency program at the Foothill Hospital in Alberta after her medical degree at the University of British Columbia. She specializes in women's and children's health and periodic health screening. She always keeps up-to-date with all health issues by attending regular medical conferences and journal clubs. In addition, Dr. Cheung has training in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). Her meticulous attention to detail and caring attitude have earned her high praises from all patients and colleagues alike.
張醫生是加拿大家庭醫生學院院士。獲得英屬哥倫比亞大學(The University of British Columbia)醫學學位後,她在艾伯塔省Foothill醫院完成了駐院醫生課程。 她對婦女和兒童健康以及定期健康篩查有專門研究。 她經常參加醫學會議和期刊俱樂部,以獲得所有健康問題的最新資訊。最近她又完成了一個認知行為療法(CBT)的培訓課程。 她對細節的專注和對人的關懷贏取了所有患病者和同事的一致讚賞。
Dr. Hu graduated from the University of British Columbia. She finished her family medicine residency at McMaster University and earned her certification (C.C.F.P) subsequently. A native of Richmond, she is happy to be able to serve her own city as a physician. She can speak fluent Mandarin. She holds special interest in women's health, preventive medicine, pediatrics, immunizations, and elderly care. She has a keen interest in maintaining electronic medical records (EMR) and using telehealth. Dr. Hu has been instrumental in implementing a number of changes in Richmond Doctor’s EMR system to enhance patient care and to better track chronic disease development.
胡醫生畢業於不列顛哥倫比亞大學(University of British Columbia)。 她在麥克馬斯特大學(McMaster University)完成了家庭醫學駐院醫生課程,隨後獲得了C.C.F.P證書。 她是卑詩省列治文(Richmond BC)的「土生」,很高興能夠以醫生的身份為自己的城市服務,又能說一口流利的普通話。 她對婦女健康、預防醫學、兒科、免疫學和老年人護理有特別興趣,對建立電子病歷檔案(EMR)和遠程醫療更非常感興趣。 在與我們一起工作的最初幾個月中,她對我們的EMR進行了不少的提升,改善了患者護理和慢性疾病的管理